
Pickering Road Community Orchard - Petals

A short video I shot on a recent trip to the Pickering Road Community Orchard in Hull, UK, for an upcoming project that I'm working on with Lauren Saunders, Lora Krasteva, and Rosie Ireson. Shot in January 2024.
Community orchards are often incredibly magical places - little pockets of more-than-human connection arising in the cracks of urban modernity. The Pickering Road Community Orchard offers far more than access to healthy food - it offers connection, ritual, and personal engagement with some of the often-unseen members of our community. Pickering Road offers many wonderful things, from pick-your-own apple events to wassailing - singing to the trees and making offerings to ‘wake them up’ and ensure a bountiful year. These are truly liminal places - some of the few remaining vestiges of a different way of living in relationship with our plant kin. It is through such relationships that natural enchantment can bloom.
Looking forward to working with the orchard and lovely team of artists to honour this space and its many inhabitants.
Thanks to UNION Activism for sponsoring this lovely day out.


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